Spike ball adds fun during Saints Time
New game takes off

The sounds of yelling and cheering echo from the back gym during Saints Time, where most students go to play basketball.
But Saints Time students are reacting to another type of game. The name of the game is Spike Ball, and seniors Jack Plummer, Tanner Loe, and Justin Albachten are all specialists.
“Any type of person can play, and you don’t have to be athletic to play,” said senior Justin Albachten.“It’s good for all-around people as long as you develop your skill.”
Spikeball is similar to two-player volleyball, except instead of hitting a large ball over a long suspended rectangular net, players hit a smaller ball down into a circular net very low to the ground. Teams can still take three touches at a time — for a bump, set or spike — just like in volleyball. The objective is the same: Hit a shot that the other team can’t return.
Loe brought the game to St. Francis.
“Going into freshman year I went on a mission trip to South Padre Island and the mission leaders taught me how to play on the beach,” said Loe. “I thought it would be fun to bring back home to my friends.”
Tanner, Jack, and Justin have certainly had some good times playing one of their favorite games. Jack owns the Spike Ball equipment the guys use during Saints Time.
“I got my Spike Ball set online,” said Plummer, “where I recommend looking if you’re interested, for about $50. You are able to get Spike Ball at any major retail store such as Walmart and Target, though.”
All the guys agree that it’s a fun activity that allows them to stay active instead of just sitting around and moping during Saints Time.
The trio states that there are always pairs of fellow students trying out for the first time and learning the rules of their favorite game. They say that they are always willing to teach anyone to play, as long as they bring positive energy. However, Loe and Albachten do caution “the newbies.”
“We are the best duo in the school until someone can prove us wrong,” joked Loe.