Concerns about Vaping
Counselors and administration try to inform parents of the epidemic
E-Cigarette/Electronic Cigarette/E-Cigs/E-Liquid/Vaping/Cloud Chasing
Concerns over vaping epidemic have caused counselors and administration to hold public meetings. photo from wikicommons
With growing knowledge of health repercussions from e-cigs, dab carts and vaping devices, administrators and counselors hope to educate students and community about the harmful effects and consequences.
According to counselor Jill Salo, who is currently studying for chemical counseling licensure, THC products (which include e-cig juice and dab carts) typically contain enough THC to warrant a felony. This will permanently stay on a person’s record – even if they are under 18 years old, according to the local police department.
“THC is not just marijuana,” she said. “THC is the euphoric chemical that comes from marijuana, but it’s actually cut with other chemicals like butane.”
Salo presented to parents of students at open house on Monday, September 16 about the damages and consequences of vaping.
About a dozen parents attended and were shocked to find out what vaping (which is supposedly better than smoking) can really do and is really doing to their children.
Included in the presentation was a segment that showed some people have been tampering with vape juice by injecting THC into the juice in order to encourage addiction.
“Enough nicotine or THC harms 4 majior communication systems in your brain,” she said. “It also can permanently damage your heart.”
Salo added that it is an addiction and people may need professional help. Counselors are willing to help.
“Studies have said they (e-cigs and carts) can permanently damage the cells in your body,” said Salo.
Beyond physical and legal consequences, Principal Doug Austin said discipline traditionally is a one day of in school suspension if students have a vaping device. It also gets progressively worse for multiple infractions; and dab carts carry an even stiffer penalty.
“We are trying to inform students that having a felony on your record is a horrible thing,” said Salo. “Every job application that you fill out you have to fill out that you’re a felon and you have to compete against people who aren’t.”