Grieves in Concert

K Flay and Mally open for rapper Grieves

River Pehrson-Alley

More stories from River Pehrson-Alley

New Year
January 9, 2015

Benjamin Laub, better known as his stage name Grieves, had a gig on Saturday, October 11th. I got the chance to see one of my cherished artists on First Avenue in Minneapolis.
Before he came on for his show, he had two opening acts: K Flay and Mally. First act was Mally, a rapper from Minneapolis, Minnesota. Mally wasn’t bad, considering it was the first time I had heard of him and got to see him perform. He was very comfortable on stage and got the crowd going.
Up next was K Flay, a rapper, producer, and alumna of Stanford University in California. She was definitely a crowd pleaser. When she first came out I didn’t expect her to be so outgoing and crazy. She had a really unique accent to her performing voice. She would go from a calm lyric to an insane head-bang. I definitely became a fan after watching her perform; she got the crowd amped for Grieves to come out.
Next was the main show; Grieves came out and the crowd went insane. He came out very energetic and ready to please his fans with his first song. Grieves played a popular song of his called “Kidding Me,” he explained to everyone that it was about his ex girlfriend and how she did him wrong. Everyone caught on to the chorus and started to sing along with him
This was my second time seeing Grieves perform, I got to see him at a hip hop festival that I go to every year called Sound Set. Watching him at his own show was way better because it was a smaller crowd, and I got to experience his personality, and how he likes to do his shows, better. I would definitely go and see him perform again.