With the second trimester coming to and end, students and staff are looking back on the past few months——-the good, the bad, and everything in between. Whether it was having fun with friends, struggling through tough classes, or just making it through the tough Minnesotan weather in general, everyone had something to say about their experience.
For a lot of students, having classes with friends was one of the best parts of the trimester. Being around familiar faces made school more enjoyable and helped pass the time.
“The good parts were that I had a lot of classes with my friends”, said Freshman Emily Meyer
Shifting into more of the specifics, some students also found certain classes to be a highlight, especially ones that were more interactive or fun. Gym class was a favorite for a few, giving them a chance to stay active throughout the school day.
“A good part was that I had two gym classes because they were pretty fun”, said junior foreign exchange student, Marsa Mueller.
Others enjoyed specific subjects that stood out to them, especially when they had a good teacher or an interesting topic.
“The good parts were that language arts was fun and gym class”, said freshman Morgan Mccoy
On the other side of things, obviously some classes weren’t easy. Some subjects really pushed students to their limits, making the trimester feel really long.
“One of my classes was biology, and it was kind of hard”, said Sophomore Louis Walker.
Math, in particular, seemed to be a struggle for quite a few people. The material only got more complicated, and staying on top of assignments wasn’t always easy.
Another student agreed, stating, “The bad parts were definitely math—it was really hard”, said Freshmen Morgan Mccoy
In addition to tough coursework, some students faced difficulties with different styles of learning, particularly when it comes to online classes. The lack of in-person interaction and self-guided learning format made it a struggle to stay engaged and motivated.
“I didn’t really like my online classes”, said senior Brandon Kamprud.
Despite these challenges that some were going through, there were still plenty of memorable moments throughout the trimester. Some were funny, others unexpected, and a few were downright chaotic.
One bad part was I almost got taken out by a certain student when they were playing volleyball”, said Physical Ed. teacher Kaitlyn Lemke.
Even the disastrous moments this trimester didn’t turn out to be the worst possible thing that could ever happen to Mrs. Lemke.
“Luckily I’m really strong and have a good center of balance, so I did not fall over”, said Lemke.
Although most reflected on the second trimester, most are looking ahead to getting outside in the warm weather and moving forward, shifting their focus to their spring sports.