SFHS Yearbook Staff Face Challenges through Hybrid Model

The Lance yearbook staff shared their thoughts about the process

Each year, a new staff comes together in yearbook to document the stories of St. Francis High School.

This year, because school has started in a hybrid model,  they have some extra hurdles to achieve their final goal.

“’ll take you through negatives,” said yearbook staffer Tony Gerlach. “We don’t have our whole class in the class at the same time, and were split up,  so it decreases the creative juices.”

Fewer people in class means fewer people to generate ideas. In addition, half the school attends on opposite days.

“If we are looking for a certain person and they aren’t on our day, it kind of messes up our spread a bit,” said Gerlach. 

In addition, yearbook relies heavily on the equipment needed to produce the book.

“We can’t use a computer unless we wipe it down,” Gerlach explained.

Even though they have obstacles to overcome, the staff hopes seniors will still get their senior photos in.

“Senior photos are due by November 15th,” said Megan Johnson.

Allie Kishish explained that the price of yearbooks will continue to rise throughout the year.

“The current price is $85,” she said, “but the price increases after certain deadlines.”

People can order their yearbooks  at www.Jostens.com or at this link: https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/productBrowse/1062161/St-Francis-High-School/2021-Yearbook/2020081804284824799/CATALOG_SHOP/