In the small community of St. Francis, Minnesota, baseball isn’t just a pastime, baseball is a way of life. With Cooper Fiskewold leading the way, this spring, the Saints are ready to take on the upcoming season. They are fueled by their teamwork, love for the game, and their star player.
All the St. Francis baseball fans look to their star player Fiskewold. No matter what he does, the home runs, jaw dropping statistics and amazing throwing power. Cooper is someone people look up to in the sport of baseball.
The off season has been a challenging and difficult one for Cooper. He has spent hours and hours in the gym, working toward strength and speed gains, showing the dedication that Cooper has for the game.
“Right now I’m just trying to build velocity, whether that is throwing or hitting,” he said.
His hard work does not go unnoticed. In fact it has set an example for other players. He always tells and reminds his teammates to stay positive, especially after tough games and is always trying to bring others up to his level of play.
“If someone strikes out I’ll try to keep their head up and just be the best teammate that I can,” he said.
On the field Cooper’s talent is remarkable. He also has a knack for getting the crowd involved, often using a gesture or “celly” towards the crowd.
“If the crowd is talkin’ smack to us, I’ll put up a finger and silence the crowd,” he joked, “but I always like to do some Cobra Kai stuff at second base.”
After practice or even during a game, he has one favorite snack: sunflower seeds.
“Gotta go dill pickle,” he said.
With a long rich history of good baseball teams the Saints have a lot of pressure this year. However, Cooper’s goal is clear and it’s to help the Saints win a state championship.
As the season’s opener gets closer and closer everyone can feel the anticipation rising. Coach Bradley Krause recalls the deep heritage of the St. Francis baseball program’s success.
“We’ve had a tradition of good baseball teams,” Krause said, “and I don’t see this year being any different.”